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2020 Online Asia YWCA Regional Meeting


On the afternoon of July 2, 2020, National Council of YWCAs of China attended2020 Online Asia YWCA Regional Meeting at the invitation of National YWCA of Korea (the host) to exchange views on YWCAs’countermeasures against COVID-19 and plans for the post-pandemic era. Fifty-three delegates from 13 YWCA including Bangladesh, India, Japan and South Korea attended the meeting.
The meeting is aimed to present the current challenges faced by the YWCAs in Asia and the programs carried out against COVID-19; to Explore how YWCAs in Asia can cooperate correspondingly; to collect suggestions and experience from delegates and hence report them to the World YWCA.
The keynote address was delivered by Mimi Han, Vice General Secretary of the World YWCA. She highlighted the indispensable role of the four aspects in the fight against COVID-19: the close collaboration between governments and policy setting, civic organizations, healthcare industry and the mass media. In addition, she stressed that only by working in solidarity and avoiding division could we overcome the obstacles in the face of the pandemic.
Then, participants shared information on anti-pandemic programs. Delegates introduced their positive actions since the outbreak began in a concise and refined way, For example, YWCAs in our region produced masks and distributed them free of charge to people affected by the pandemic; carried out online activities to serve the elderly, children and young women; distributed anti-pandemic kits and donated materials; focused on mental health; strengthened the connections between staff and members; shared information; organized council contributions; actively sought cooperation with other channels and organizations.
On behalf of China YWCA, Vice General Secretary of Shanghai YWCA, Ms. GUI Xiaoxin, delivered a report on the work and experience of Shanghai YWCA in fighting the pandemic. As the pandemic is under prevention and control in China and seems to develop in a positive trend, the current main task of Shanghai YWCA is to help enterprises resume work and production.
Although faced with financial challenges, there are no layoffs, and the lives of staff are well-maintained in Shanghai YWCA. Meanwhile, Shanghai YWCA strives to explore new services to increase revenue.
In the second half of the fight, and for a long period after the pandemic, China YWCA has carried out and will carry out more activities on "Safe Civic Education", "Safe Community services" and "Safe Living Instruction" to promote people's safety awareness, jointly maintain urban safety, participate in community building and improve living habits.
Casey Harden, General Secretary of the World YWCA, spoke highly of GUI's speech, adding in a group chat to all, “YWCA China, thank you for the report. The programming for doctors and their families is very interesting and one that will be needed in places all over the world. Good luck with the 3 ‘safe’ program approaches. I really like the working of ‘conveying love of YWCA to people’ Well stated!”
The online meeting ended successfully. Participants shared the same feeling: although in different places, all are working hard for the YWCA movement and dedicated to community building. We are looking forward to more exchanges and cooperations in the future to spread and build the love and care of the YWCA.
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