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Joint Press Release On Visit of World YWCA to China

At the invitation of the National Council of YWCAs of China, the World YWCA leadership enjoyed a week-long visit with the YWCA of China. It was a mutually fulfilling experience of learning, sharing and dialogue. During our time together, we had an opportunity to visit programs run by the YWCAs in Shanghai, Hangzhou and Beijing. Like the YWCA movement, the YWCA China remains deeply committed to its core values, which are steeped within its Christian tradition.

World YWCA deems that the visit was rich with opportunities to share experiences, learn from communities and interact with other partners such as YMCA, NPO, All China Women’s Federation and the State Administration for Religious Affairs. It helps World YWCA to gain better understanding of public welfare in China, Beijing + 20, and the State Administration for Religious Affairs’ attitude on relations of China’s faith based organizations with international organizations.
World YWCA has officially invited the YWCA of China to the 28th World YWCA Council, and can expect a decision on this invitation following the YWCA China’s Executive Committee meeting. In addition, YWCA China expressed a willingness to share its experience in social services with sisters across the world. This includes its care work, as well as its approach to stewardship and property management.
China YWCA thinks highly of the visit by World YWCA top leadership, and the friendship and goodwill expressed during the visitation. The visit helped World YWCA to gain better understanding of the rapidly developing China, especially the status and roles of women in this country; and an overall view of the YWCA work in China; to facilitate closer communication and in-depth dialogue between the top leaderships as well to pave the way for further collaboration between the World YWCA and YWCA China in areas of common interest. Meanwhile, it will broaden the links for YWCAs in China with sister YWCAs across the world.
Both World YWCA and YWCA of China expressed the importance of fostering inter-generational leadership and investing in young women’s leadership. And it is agreed that membership and service to communities are the core values that provide authenticity and meaning to the YWCA’s work.
Moving forward, we have both committed to maintain dialogue at the highest levels of leadership within the two organizations. We have also committed to mutual learning through events, conferences and other opportunities, as well as work together to preserve the history of the movement as we build its future. YWCA China continues to engage in partnerships and dialogues with sister YWCAs in the region.
In addition, we graciously received information on the forthcoming 100th anniversary of the YWCA of Beijing to be held in 2016. In prayers and fellowship, we sang together the YWCA Beijing’s 100th Anniversary song “There is a fresh spring breeze in the courtyard”. We look forward to our continued dialogue and collaboration.
The trip to China was a pilgrimage, which included a visit to Hangzhou, a place where the World YWCA held its first post-war Council in 1947 and the birthplace of the YWCA in China.
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